Style Sheets gives you option to separate information on a page from the way the information should be presented.
This file use the information in the style sheet file "sheet1.css".
This is text in a paragraph. Cascading Style Sheets is a standard defined by W3C. Some parts of the standard are supported by Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0 (part of Netscsape Communicator). This page should be displayed with a browser capable of handling Cascading Style Sheets.
This is a new paragraph of text inside a division tag. This page should be displayed with a browser capable of handling Cascading Style Sheets.
This text is set to be displayed in bold <B>!
Unordered List
Ordered list
This cell will use the format that is specified for a standard TD in the css-file | This cell will use the format that is specified for a standard TD in the css-file |
This cell's TD tags has the attribute CLASS="important", so it will try to use the format described in a user defined style sheet class named 'TD.important' in the css-file | This cell will use the format that is specified for a standard TD in the css-file |
This cell will use the format that is specified for a standard TD in the css-file | This cell will use the format that is specified for a standard TD in the css-file |